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方案1 1入 售價$4920 均價$4920 商品介紹★ Digitech Mosaic 12弦吉他模擬效果器 附原廠變壓器 ★
The DigiTech Mosaic Polyphonic 12-String effect pedal sets you upon the path of creating lush 12-string sounds with either 6-string electric or amplified acoustic guitars. Immediately identifiable 12-string tones are now yours with octave low strings and doubled high strings. Single notes and full chordal strums shine with polyphonic richness and celestial movement that will inspire you. The Mosaic’s balanced low-end response with crisp octave shimmer produces a tone that’s lush and articulate, just as with a 12-string guitar.
Tailor the Mosaic’s sound with the independent Level and Tone controls. Level will control the 12-string effect intensity while Tone shapes the overall brightness of the effect. The Mosaic will give you a richer, more resonant and full tone than a standard six-string guitar. It is true bypass and uses a 9V DC power supply to easily integrate into your existing pedalboard.
LEVEL - Adjusts the intensity of the 12-string effect
TONE - Adjusts the amount of high frequency enhancement being applied to your signal
Included Items:
DigiTech Mosaic 12-String Polyphonic Effect Pedal
PS0913DC Power Supply
On ’s Manual and Warranty Registration Information Card
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