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dunlop platinum 65 cleaner polish 1oz 吉他 bass 表面拋光
出貨天數快速付款後 1 個工作天出貨運送方式宅配運費免運費商品詳情評價更多推薦優惠方案方案1 1入 售價$120 均價$120 商品介紹dunlop platinum 65 cleaner polish 1oz 吉他 bass 表面拋光水蠟
keep your instruments pristine and protected with dunlops new platinum 65 series of professional grade care products, featuring montan wax. the automotive car industrys latest innovation, montan wax is a fossilized plant wax prized for its ease of use and deep glossy shine.
our proprietary platinum 65 formula is optimized for musical instruments, dressing guitars or basses with a protective barrier that provides superior resistance to grime and moisture. platinum 65 products take less time and less effort than any other wax-based care producttheres no need to wait for drying, and theres no need to wear your arm out trying to even out the surface coating. just apply to the surface of your instrument, use a clean cloth to gently buff it out, and youre done.
platinum 65 cleaner-polish is a high quality two in one cleaner and polish for keeping your guitar or bass looking and playing great from day to day.
- a little goes a long way.
- spray 1 or 2 pumps onto a clean, dry cloth to gently remove dust, fingerprints and grime.
- do not spray on or around any finish chips, cracks or checking.
- turn cloth over to buff to your instruments true luster. works great on hardware too.
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