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lr baggs violin pickup 專業小提琴拾音器 l. r. baggs[唐尼樂器]
出貨天數快速付款後 1 個工作天出貨運送方式宅配運費免運費商品詳情評價更多推薦優惠方案方案1 1入 售價$4580 均價$4580 商品介紹免運費 lr baggs violin pickup 專業小提琴拾音器 l. r. baggs
免運費 lr baggs violin pickup 專業小提琴拾音器 l. r. baggs
l.r.baggs m1active在木吉他拾音器上革命性的發明
our violin pickup is a miniature vibration sensor cast directly into a superieur despiau two tree maple bridge for maximum sensitivity and signal transfer. as an integral part of the bridge, it effortlessly captures the instruments inherent dynamics. furthermore, its selective admittance pattern is aligned so that the signal is generated as the bridge moves in a left-right motion (in response to the string vibrations). the pickup also rejects any impulse directed to the plane of the bridge- minimizing annoying finger squeaks, body noise and feedback. it is the pickup of choice for top pros like mark oconnor, darol anger, jean-luc ponty and sara watkins. an external preamp is recommended.
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