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[免運] jhs unicorn v2 modulation 效果器 公司貨保固 送短導 唐尼樂器
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jhs unicorn v2 modulation
in 2015 we brought you the unicorn v1 ...the world's first bulb-driven photocell modulator with tap tempo...our very own uni-vibe if you will. this spring 2018 we are proud to bring you the unicorn v2!
pink floyds breathe, jimi hendrixs star spangled banner live at woodstock 1969," and robin trowers bridge of sighs cemented the sound of a photocell-based vibe effect as an electric guitar standard. the jhs pedals unicorn is our version of this heralded effect, continuing the inspiring modulation/phasing/rotary sounds that never fail to push musical boundaries. and just like the originals, we included a toggle for choosing between a uni-vibe* effect and a traditional vibrato setting. what sets unicorn apart from all other vibe-style circuits is that it is the first-ever fully analog, photocell-based vibe with tap tempo as well as ratio, external tap control, and external rate control via expression pedal (optional). and the unicorn does it all with only four knobs and a mini-toggle switch. in a day and age when everything has been seen and done, we bring you the first-ever, 100% analog vibe photocell modulator with onboard tap tempo. youre welcome.
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