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dunlop kh95 metallica kirk hammett wah 電吉他用哇哇效果器[唐
出貨天數一般付款後 3 個工作天出貨運送方式宅配運費免運費商品詳情評價更多推薦優惠方案方案1 1入 售價$7300 均價$7300 商品介紹全新 dunlop kh95 metallica kirk hammett wah 電吉他用哇哇效果器
喜歡 metallica 的朋友應該都熟悉 kirk 慣用
又尖又非常 wah 的 kirk 式哇音
這顆 kh95 讓你輕鬆擁有 kirk 的吉他 wah tone
dunlop, mxr, and crybaby are some of the most used analog effects and accessories the world has ever seen. used by the likes of metallica, zakk wylde, eddie van halen, buddy guy, slash, kerry king, dimebag daryl, billy gibbons, joe perry, and hundreds more. bald parrot guitars is proud to be an authorized dealer for one of the top manufactures of guitar products in the world, jim dunlop!
kirk hammett wanted a new wah, he called on jim dunlop to design it! introducing the new kirk hammett signature crybaby. the engineers at dunlop took the eq, volume, and tone settings from the rack crybaby kirk was using on tour and reproduced them to exact precision in one great wah pedal. it has an even response from heal to toe with a thick top end and full dynamic range. add an awesome finish and a metal lover footprint on top and you get one killer wah!
based on kirk's eq, volume, and tone settings
exceptionally even in response
thick top end and full dynamic range
accepts 9v battery or ac adaptor
dunlop 出品 必屬佳作
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