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dunlop dvp3 volume x 電吉他/電貝斯 bass 音量踏板/表情踏板[唐尼樂器]
出貨天數一般付款後 3 個工作天出貨運送方式宅配運費免運費商品詳情評價更多推薦優惠方案方案1 1入 售價$5100 均價$5100 商品介紹dunlop dvp3 volume x 電吉他/電貝斯 bass 音量踏板/表情踏板
dunlop dvp3 volume x volume & expression pedal
create incredibly smooth volume swells or control your effect pedal parameters with the dunlop dvp3 volume (x). small and pedalboard-friendly, the dvp3 is solidly-built and ready for the road. its housed in an aluminum chassis with aggressive non-slip tread and comes equipped with our patent-pending band drive for a smooth range of motion and consistent operation for years to come. the dvp3s rocker tension is fully adjustable so you can set any tension you're comfortable with. when using the dvp3 as an expression pedal, you can set the internal pot to the minimum level of the parameter youre controlling with the rocker. an internal switch allows you to reverse the function of the heel-down and toe-down positions. fully customizable, the dvp3 also features a convenient tuner output for silent tuning onstage.
dunlop manufacturing, inc.
located in benicia, california, dunlop manufacturing, inc. was founded as a small, family-owned and operated company in 1965, and has since grown to be a leading manufacturer of electronic effects, picks, capos, slides, strings, and other musical instrument accessories. dunlop is the home of such legendary products as the crybaby wah and tortex picks.
smooth, quiet operation
fully adjustable rocker pedal tension
internal controls for effect parameter and heel-down/toe-down position
aluminum chassis, aggressive non-slip tread, patent-pending band drive
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