賠售秒殺倒數搶購 0 天 23 : 59 : 59出貨天數快速付款後 1 個工作天出貨運送方式宅配運費免運費商品詳情評價更多推薦優惠方案
方案1 1入 售價$180999 均價$180999 商品介紹原廠公司貨 fender 350l 09-42 不鏽鋼電吉他弦
350l ( 0.09 ~ 0.42 )
fender's stainless steel 350s electric guitar strings deliver the high output
and aggressive tone that's ideal fro heavier styles,
such as hard rock and heavy metal. the stainless steel construction
also creates a string with an increased lifespan.
gauges: 09-11-16-24-32-42.
fender has been an instrument of choice for many of the greatest musicians since 1946.
fender's popularity through the generations is a result of their design innovations
and commitment to quality. these steel strings reflect this legacy and
are worthy of the fender name. attention to detail and the finest materials ensure
that you will get the best feeling and greatest sounding guitar strings, set after set.
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