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j. rockett lenny boost (srv sound) 單顆增益效果器[唐尼樂器] -
出貨天數快速付款後 1 個工作天出貨運送方式宅配運費免運費商品詳情評價更多推薦優惠方案方案1 1入 售價$7300 均價$7300 商品介紹j. rockett lenny boost (srv sound) 單顆增益效果器
the guy that made the steel string singer come alive was none other than srv.
with that said, lenny was born! it was our intention to create
a steel string singer being pushed to create color,
texture and feel versus just loud and clean.
simply put, this is a very musical boost that colors your tone considerably,
in an inspiring waykind of like a neve console.
there is a definite mid character, but boy does it cut through a mix!
boost tons of push, which creates an inter-play with the front end of any amp
tone dials in your highs, simply put
the two controls are interactive and really need each other when slamming an amp.
lenny also takes advantage of the new speed switch system
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