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[免運] lr baggs stadium electric bass di 前級 l. r. ba
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舞台上的錄音室級 bass di
studio-grade bass di for the stage
originally developed by the bass playing engineers at lr baggs for their own use, the stadium electric bass di infuses your signal with a blend of studio-grade circuitry and a vibrant palette of unique, tone shaping tools. composed of carefully selected, top shelf components, the all-discrete electronics provide a level of fidelity that rivals even the most sought after studio dis. then engage the effects to unveil an expansive range of colorful tones shaped by just a few powerful and easy-to-use controls. built in a rugged enclosure constructed of aluminum, steel, and abs plastic, the stadium di ensures over-the-top reliability for life on the road. hand assembled in california.
tone shaping tools
unlike overdrives that employ full-range distortion, the growl saturates a focused range of low frequencies, enhancing warmth and creating harmonically rich overtones without too much breakup. the effect compliments dynamics and is responsive to even the lightest touch, providing just the right amount of edge to cut through the mix. for added versatility, a paired drive button pushes the growl to a full-range overdrive.
comp eq
the comp eq features 3 bands of compression for bringing evenness to your tone while retaining the natural feel of your playing dynamics. the low, mid, and high frequency compressors are essentially touch-sensitive eqs that respond in real time as you play. the harder you dig in, the more they compress and vice versa.
this highly specific eq affects a unique, medium sized bandwidth to adjust the attack of the strings for a wide range of tones, covering all playing styles. sweep left for warmer, muted jazz tones or right for added clarity and a punchier attack.
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