賠售秒殺倒數搶購 0 天 23 : 59 : 59出貨天數較長付款後 5 個工作天出貨運送方式宅配 / 超商取貨運費$60 - $80滿 $1499 免運費(宅配)商品詳情評價更多推薦優惠方案
方案1 1入 售價$1400 均價$1400 商品介紹#星際大戰 #星戰 #兩人遊戲
遊戲時間30-45 min
from the publisher:
featuring beautifully detailed painted miniatures, x-wing is a two-player game of dramatic starfighter battles set in the star wars universe. you and your opponent take command of resistance x-wings and first order tie fighters, then battle head-to-head for the fate of the galaxy.
secretly plot your maneuvers, fly at your enemies, take aim, and fire. it takes just minutes to learn the rules, but the nearly limitless possibilities for squad building, along with the ability to expand your fleet with other ships from the games expansions, ensure that youll find plenty of star wars action to explore and enjoy for years to come!
x-wing is a two-player miniatures game of fantastic, high-speed dogfights. now, for the first time, you can enjoy these dramatic space battles with the incredible new starfighters from the force awakens!
the force awakens core set is the heart of your x-wing experience and contains everything that you and a friend need to start playing, including three painted plastic ships one resistance t-70 x-wing and two tie/fo fighters.分類 標籤 運送方式 廠商出貨,宅配到府 ( 限台灣本島地區,不含郵政信箱 ) 或超商取貨 出貨時間 如確認交易條件無誤且有庫存,商品將於您付款成功後 5 個工作天內為您出貨 配送時間 出貨後物流到貨另需 1-3 個工作天,恕無法指定日期時段。可使用訂單查詢追蹤出貨與物流明細。 發票 由廠商開立 售後服務 松果購物全站商品享 7 天鑑賞期 ( 非試用期 ),請安心購買。鑑賞期內保持商品全新狀態且包裝完整,可線上申請退貨。詳情請參考退貨說明。生鮮食品、個人衛生用品及美妝用品,除商品本身有瑕疵,一經拆封將影響退換貨權益。特殊商品如到府安裝的家電類商品,安裝過後且測試正常,即視同當場驗貨完畢,不另享 7 天鑑賞期。 商品評價