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方案1 1入 售價$2869 均價$2869 商品介紹本硬碟為全新品. 附支架
HP 146GB 2.5-inch SFF SAS 3Gb/s 10K RPM
Dual Port (DP) Enterprise (ENT) Hot-Plug Hard Drive
In HP 2.5-inch SFF SAS Hot-Plug Hard Drive tray (as pictured)
For HP G1-G7 Proliant SFF SAS Servers and select Storage Arrays
Genuine HP serial number and firmware
Genuine HP Hard Drive
Part Number(s)
Option Part# 418367-B21
SmartBuy Part# 418367-S21
Spare Part# 418399-001
Assembly Part# 518006-001
Model# DG0146BARTP
HP SAS Enterprise and Midline Hard Drives deliver high performance solutions for hosting high transaction based applications. Available in HP hot plug carriers or non-hot plug. The HP SAS Enterprise and Midline Hard Drives come in both 2.5in (SFF) and 3.5in (LFF) industry standard form factors and are available in a variety of capacity points to meet a wide range of requirements. The SAS interface was designed and engineered for high availability, enterprise-class data storage where performance, reliability and data integrity are crucial.
Category Proliant HardDrive
Sub-Category 10K
Generation SAS
Part Number 418399-001
Products ID 144220
Capacity 146GB
Interface Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)
Enclosure Internal
Drive Dimensions 2.5 inches x 1/3H (Low Profile)
Spindle Speed 10000RPM
External Data Transfer 3072MB/s
Seek Time 3.5ms
HotSwap Yes
Manufacturer Hewlett Packard
Pre-Failure Warranty Yes
Hot Swap Tray Included/Attached
This HP Part# 418399-001 is compatible with these HP Servers and Storage Systems
Proliant BL Series: BL20p (G4) BL45p (G2) BL460c (G6 G7) BL465c (G1 G5 G6 G7) BL480c (BL620c G7)
Proliant BL Series: BL680c (G5 G6 G7) BL685c (G6 G7) WS460c (G6 G7)
Proliant DL Series: DL1000 DL120 (G6 G7) DL160 (G6 G7) DL160se (G6 G7) DL165 (G6 G7) DL170e (G6 G7)
Proliant DL Series: DL170h (G6 G7) DL180 (G6 G7) DL320 (G6 G7) DL360 (G4p G5 G6 G7) DL365 (G1 G5 G6 G7)
Proliant DL Series: DL370 (G6 G7) DL380 (G4 G5 G6 G7) DL385 (G1 G2 G3 G4 G5/G5p G6 G7)
Proliant DL Series: DL580 (G3 G4 G5 G6 G7) DL585 (G2 G3 G4 G6 G7) DL785 (G6)
Proliant ML Series: ML 110 (G7) ML350 (G5 G6 G7) ML370 (G5 G6 G7) ML570 (G3 G4 G5)
Proliant SL Series: SL390s (G6 G7)
HP Storage Systems: D2700 MSA50 MSA60 MSA70
HP Storage Systems: X1500 (G2) X16000 (G2) X1800 (G2) X3400 (G2) X3800 (G2)分類 標籤 運送方式 廠商出貨,宅配到府 ( 限台灣本島地區,不含郵政信箱 ) 或超商取貨 出貨時間 如確認交易條件無誤且有庫存,商品將於您付款成功後 3 個工作天內為您出貨 配送時間 出貨後物流到貨另需 1-3 個工作天,恕無法指定日期時段。可使用訂單查詢追蹤出貨與物流明細。 發票 由廠商開立電子發票,Email 寄送 售後服務 松果購物全站商品享 7 天鑑賞期 ( 非試用期 ),請安心購買。鑑賞期內保持商品全新狀態且包裝完整,可線上申請退貨。詳情請參考退貨說明。生鮮食品、個人衛生用品及美妝用品,除商品本身有瑕疵,一經拆封將影響退換貨權益。特殊商品如到府安裝的家電類商品,安裝過後且測試正常,即視同當場驗貨完畢,不另享 7 天鑑賞期。 商品評價